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Post-Removal Hair Extension Cleaning - $80

Extension Cleaning

Post-removal hair extension cleaning is an important step in ensuring that the extensions remain in good condition and can be used again in the future. This service is typically offered by professional hair stylists who specialize in hair extensions.


The post-removal cleaning process for extensions involves several steps. The first step is to remove any remaining adhesive or tape residue from the extensions using a specialized remover solution. This is important to ensure that the extensions are free from any residue that may cause damage or prevent them from being used again in the future.


Next, the extensions are gently washed using a sulfate-free shampoo to remove any dirt, oil, or other buildup that may have accumulated on the hair. The shampoo is evenly distributed throughout the extensions by gently swirling them in a bowl of lukewarm water. The extensions are then rinsed thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove all shampoo residue.


After the extensions are washed, a deep conditioning treatment is applied to them to help restore moisture and prevent damage. The extensions are typically left to sit in the conditioner for several minutes before being rinsed thoroughly with lukewarm water.


Once the cleaning process is complete, the extensions are carefully dried using a towel or air-dried to prevent damage. The extensions are then inspected to ensure that they are in good condition and can be used again in the future.


Overall, post-removal hair extension cleaning is an important service that helps to ensure the longevity and quality of the extensions. By having the extensions professionally cleaned, you can feel confident that they will be in good condition for future use.

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